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ep341Giving Hope And Changing Lives For Single Moms – Hearts For Moms


In the episode, Brooke Thomas sits down to discuss with Angela Ball (CEO & Founder of Hearts For Moms) and Gilda Green (Chairwoman of the Board) the incredible impact Hearts For Moms has on helping single moms. Hearts For Moms is an incredible organization that is near and dear to Brooke. The biggest desire is to give hope and change and see single moms reach their full God-given potential.
Key Highlights:
1. It Was Already Done: God will always tell you what you need to know and he will always reveal what you need to know. During a fundraiser for Hearts for Moms, I prayed and prayed to hit our target goal.
2. Believing In Yourself: One of the woman in the program, Angela, has a dream to become an RN and with the Full Circle Strategy how she was able to achieve that through Hearts For Moms.
3. You Can’t Just Deal With The Physical Need: Meeting the basic needs by helping these moms become stable but we also provide parental classes, mental health support and many other things. Mind, body and spirit are all of the areas that we assist with to give these moms we help the best support to be successful.
Join me on November 15 for the 4th Annual Hearts for Moms Gala. You can get more information here: https://www.heartsformoms.org/gala


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