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EP167What It Means to Build Kingdom Wealth


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What happens when you ask God for a billion-dollar idea? Jaime Cross left a career in corporate banking to be with her newborn son. And after two years, she felt the desire to build something meaningful. Something with global impact. Listen in as Jaime shares the prayer than launched an eight-figure organic skincare business.

Question Highlights

  • Let’s kick things off with your story. Who did you used to be before you created a business? Can you walk us through the timeline of what happened?
  • Can you give an example of a time you thought, ‘This is really hard,’ but you pushed through because you knew the calling was from God?
  • What does it look like to become a new person as you reach each new level of growth?
  • You say that even believers are not always in covenant with God. Can you explain this idea further? How would you describe the covenant relationship?
  • What is your take on the best way to tithe?
  • What would you say to a woman who is a believer, but things keep happening that leave her feeling worn down?
  • What would you say to someone who’s considering network marketing but isn’t sure it’s for them? Why should they join your company?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • What happened when Jaime prayed to God for a billion-dollar idea
  • Why Jaime and her husband went all-in on MIG Living (even though the decision looked foolish to the world)
  • Jaime’s take on what kingdom wealth really means
  • How to reframe hardship as training to be a true child of God
  • The difference between gratitude and faith
  • What inspired Jaime to transition MIG to the multilevel marketing business model
  • What differentiates MIG’s products and culture from other network marketing opportunities

Show Notes

God listens.

Just ask Jaime Cross. She left career in corporate banking to be with her newborn son. And after two years as a stay-at-home mom, she felt the desire to build something meaningful. Something with global impact.

So, Jaime asked God for a billion-dollar idea, and days later, she literally saw business plan in a dream. After years of trial and error, she went from peddling soap at farmers markets to an eight-figure online business.

Jaime is the founder of MIG Living, an organic skincare company that is leading the true beauty movement and changing the way people do clean living. She believes that business can be force for good, and she is paving way for women everywhere to activate their own dreams and embark on the journey to becoming HER.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Jaime joins Brooke to share her business journey, describing why she and her husband went all-in on building MIG—even though the decision looked foolish to the world.

She explains what it means to be in covenant with God, challenging believers to take spiritual responsibility and reframe the way we look at hardships.

Listen in for insight into what differentiates MIG’s products and culture from other network marketing opportunities and learn how Jaime can help YOU live a life of purpose, leadership and legacy!

Connect with Jaime

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MIG Living


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The HER Effect University

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