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EP14Up-Level Intimacy & Connection in Your Marriage


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There is no such thing as a perfect marriage. But you and your spouse can have a healthy relationship, making each other feel loved and appreciated every day. Listen in as Katie Ewell explains how to create a new level of intimacy and connection with your husband and take your marriage to the next level!

Question Highlights

  • What was the turning point when you and your husband, Jesse, reignited your marriage?
  • What do your date nights look like now? How has it changed from what you did before?
  • I know you feel strongly about knowing what your partner wants. Can you talk about that?
  • How has faith played a role in helping you connect with your husband on a deeper level?
  • Can you give us some ideas for things to do to make our spouse feel special on Valentine’s Day—or any day of the year?
  • What about women who are frustrated with their husbands? Who tried to do something special and their husband didn’t respond? What advice would you give them?
  • What is the biggest breakthrough you’ve seen from a couple you mentored?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • The disconnect Katie and Jesse were feeling and how committing to a weekly date night changed the quality of their marriage
  • Katie’s favorite date her husband has surprised her with in the last five years
  • How changing the environment helps couples reach a new level of intimacy + connection
  • Why it’s crucial to know your partner’s love language
  • Katie and Jesse’s practice of praying together
  • The top two things men want to know from their wives
  • How to start a conversation when you’re frustrated with your spouse
  • The relationship between our childhood fears and the challenges we face in marriage
  • Making your partner feel loved, appreciated and celebrated every day of the year

Show Notes

There is no such thing as the perfect marriage. But you and your spouse can have a healthy relationship and make each other feel loved and appreciated every day.

Wherever you and your partner are in your marriage right now, you can start there and take steps to create a deeper connection. To ignite a new level of intimacy. But how do you show your husband how you feel about him? What can you do TODAY to celebrate each other and commit to taking your marriage to the next level?

Katie Ewell is on a mission to build a movement of married women who support and share openly with each other, accessing their power to create a bigger impact in their relationships, family and work. Along with her husband, Jesse, Katie coaches couples to co-create their best life and up-level their marriages through their Habit Based Lifestyle Marriage Bootcamp and Power Couples coaching program.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Katie joins Brooke to discuss the disconnect she was feeling in her marriage five years ago and what she and Jesse did to cultivate a new level of intimacy and connection. She walks us through the five love languages, explaining why it’s crucial to know what your partner wants—and communicate openly about what YOU want, too. Listen in for Katie’s ideas around surprising your spouse this Valentine’s Day and making them feel celebrated every day of the year!

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Habit Based Lifestyle Couples Bootcamp


Brooke’s Elite Mastermind

Love Languages Quiz

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman


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