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EP70The Truth About Network Marketing


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Are you planning work around life? Or are you planning life around work? What if life and work can peacefully coexist without having to choose one over the other? Listen in as Laura Evans and Janine Finney discuss the benefits of a career in network marketing and dispel the most common myths about the business.

Question Highlights

  • Do you prefer the term multi-level marketing or network marketing to describe our industry? Why?
  • Janine, you used to be skeptical about network marketing. Can you talk about that?
  • The first myth about network marketing is that it’s a pyramid scheme. Can you get into detail about why it’s not?
  • Another big myth about MLM is that nobody makes any money. Can you speak to that?
  • Yet another myth about network marketing is that the products are overpriced to pay the reps. Can you speak to that?
  • Many people say they don’t have time to do multi-level marketing. How would you respond to that?
  • For someone in a corporate career who wants to make the transition to entrepreneurship, what are the benefits of network marketing compared to other entrepreneurial endeavors?
  • Why is the network marketing business such a natural fit for women?
  • There are people who start MLM and then drop out. Why do you think that happens in this business?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Why it’s crucial to have multiple streams of income
  • What to look for in a multi-level marketing company (and what to avoid)
  • How network marketing is a lot like joining a gym
  • What makes MLM products superior to what you buy in a store
  • How network marketing is an equal opportunity business
  • Developing an exit strategy to leave a corporate career for MLM
  • The differences between a traditional 9-to-5 and network marketing
  • What it takes to be successful in network marketing

Show Notes

Are you planning work around your life? Or are you planning your life around work?

What if life and work can peacefully coexist without having to choose one over the other?

Laura Evans enjoyed an accomplished career as an executive for well-known brands like JCrew and Disney before transitioning to the multi-level marketing (MLM) space, and today, she helps women approaching 50 step into what she calls their encore career. Janine Finney spent the first 30 years of her career as a sales executive in corporate America before making the switch to network marketing and cofounding The Flip Flop CEO. Together, Laura and Janine have created MLM, You Decide, a platform where they take on the common misconceptions about multi-level marketing.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Laura and Janine join Brooke to dispel the top four myths about network marketing, discussing the income potential of MLM for those of us who treat it like a business rather than a hobby. They explain why network marketing is NOT a pyramid scheme and describe how consumers benefit from buying products directly from the manufacturer. Listen in for Laura and Janine’s insight on the freedom that comes from running a network marketing business and find out if you have what it takes to be successful in the MLM industry!

Connect with Laura & Janine

MLM, You Decide

MLM, You Decide on Instagram

MLM, You Decide Podcast

Laura on LinkedIn

The Flip Flop CEO

The Flip Flop CEO on Instagram


Does the Shoe Fit? The Flip Flop CEO Guide to Help You Decide if Network Marketing Is a Good Fit for You by Janine Finney and Lory Muirhead

The Flip Flop CEO Flips the Perception of Network Marketing Right Side Up by Janine Finney, Lory Muirhead and Whitney Roberts

Direct Selling Association

‘The Case (For and) Against Multi-Level Marketing’ on the FTC Website

FTC Guidelines on MLM

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