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EP232The Summer of Scale – Part 4


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What are the 5 things you want to be known for? Are you acting like it? Listen in for the final installment of my 4-part series on how to make this your Summer of Scale, explaining why it’s crucial to show up with CONSISTENCY and how speaking boldly about what you represent leads to business growth!

In this episode, you’ll learn about…

  • [0:32] What it means to scale your CONSISTENCY (and why it’s important)
  • [1:09] How to identify the 3 to 5 things you’re known for
  • [3:09] The relationship among consistency, trust and sales growth
  • [5:02] Claiming the things you’re known for through consistent action
  • [6:11] The value in writing out your vision for the future
  • [7:00] Standing up for what you represent in business
  • [8:37] The power we have to change minds about an industry by showing up consistently with integrity, kindness and love
  • [10:00] Why this is the appointed time to SCALE your business

Show Notes

What are the five things you want to be known for in this life? Are you acting like it?

What you do on a daily basis should support what you’re known for. You’ve got to show up consistently and speak boldly about what you stand for.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, I’m sharing the final installment of my four-part series on how to make this your Summer of Scale, describing what it means to scale your CONSISTENCY and why it’s so important.

I explain what makes sales a transfer of trust and explore how showing up consistently, in alignment with what you’re known for, leads to business growth.

Listen in to understand the value in writing out your vision for the future and commit to consistently representing what you do in this life with integrity, kindness and love!


Habakkuk 2:2-3

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