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EP69The Beauty of Surrender


The Beauty of Surrender - EP69

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In the last few months, control has gone out the window. And if you’re relying on your own strength and white-knuckling it through each day, you are probably feeling worn down and defeated. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Listen in as Brooke describes the beauty in surrendering control to your Creator.

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • How our brains are wired for control in an attempt to keep us safe
  • How Brooke’s drive to control everything led to burnout
  • Why consistent action and strong conviction are crucial to business success
  • How surrendering control to God allows Brooke to enjoy the journey
  • Why Brooke credits her success to making God the CEO of her business
  • The distinction between giving up and giving up the control to manage every moment
  • Brooke’s challenge for us to trust God—even in the chaos
  • Surrounding yourself with people who show you hope and peace
  • How to activate your faith through the belief that God is working for you

Show Notes

In the last few months, control has gone out the window.

And if you’re relying on your own strength and white-knuckling it through each day, you are probably feeling worn down and defeated.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can surrender control to God. You can wake up each day with a sense of ease and peace, knowing that God is at work and that everything will turn out exactly the way He intended.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Brooke discusses the beauty of surrender, explaining how giving control to God has brought her true freedom and joy. She explains why surrender goes against human nature and how she made the shift from managing every moment to making God the CEO of her business.

Brooke goes on to make the distinction between giving up and developing a willingness to meet life as it is, challenging us to take consistent action and trust in God to provide the increase. Listen in for Brooke’s insight on activating your faith through BELIEF and learn how to lean into your Creator for guidance in your personal and professional life.


Jeremiah 33:3

Email brooke@brookethomas.com

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