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EP129Redefining Wealth for Yourself


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Are you chasing purpose? Or a paycheck? Wealth goes beyond making money or collecting material possessions. If you really want a life of peace and prosperity, you have to pay attention to more than just your finances. Listen in as Patrice Washington explores the role faith and mental wellness play in redefining wealth for yourself!

Question Highlights

  • How did your new book, Redefining Wealth for Yourself, come to be?
  • One of the exercises in your book is to create a daily mantra. What is your mantra?
  • What would you say to someone who’s having a hard time making a decision to invest in themselves, even though they have no doubt it will change their lives?
  • I love that you have a chapter in Redefining Wealth… on mental health. Can you talk about why that was important for you?
  • You transitioned from only talking about money in your business to unapologetically sharing your faith. What was that like for you?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • How Patrice’s 6 pillars of wealth have helped real women shift their lives
  • How Patrice makes decisions based on purpose rather than a paycheck
  • How our words and thoughts shape our reality (and the power we have to change them)
  • Why we can only grow to the extent that we’re willing to heal from past trauma
  • Patrice’s commitment to normalizing therapy and how it’s helped her
  • What it means to ‘accept the luxury of healing’
  • How Patrice works to demonstrate her faith every day
  • Giving God something to bless by putting your boots on and taking action

Show Notes

Are you chasing purpose? Or a paycheck?

Wealth goes beyond making money or collecting material possessions. And if you truly want a life of peace and prosperity, you have to pay attention to more than just your finances.

Patrice Washington is the personal finance expert behind Redefining Wealth, a platform that empowers followers to look at life through a lens of abundance and opportunity. She is also the host of the award-winning Redefining Wealth Podcast featured on Forbes’ list of 15 inspiring podcasts for ‘professionals of every stripe’ and the author of the new release, Redefining Wealth for Yourself: How to Stop Chasing Money and Finally Live Your Life’s Purpose.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Patrice joins Brooke to discuss the six pillars of wealth she shares in the book and explain how they’ve helped real women change their lives.

Patrice weighs in on why it’s important to normalize therapy, describing why we can only grow to the extent that we’re willing to heal from past trauma.

Listen in for Patrice’s insight on demonstrating your faith in business and find out what YOU can do to redefine wealth for yourself!

Connect with Patrice Washington

Redefining Wealth

The Redefining Wealth Podcast

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Redefine Wealth for Yourself: How to Stop Chasing Money and Finally Live Your Life’s Purpose by Patrice Washington

Patrice on The Live Out Loud Show EP004

Proverbs 17:16

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