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EP45How to Know a Risk Is Worth Taking


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Are you considering a pivot in your business? Or mulling over a new opportunity? Taking a risk is scary. And some don’t pay off. But complacency is risky, too. So, should you play it safe or make a change? Listen in as Brooke shares her guidelines for how to know a risk is worth taking.

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Brooke’s decision to choose passion + purpose over comfort and leave her former network marketing company
  • Why it’s crucial to align with the core values of the company you represent
  • Why NOW is a great time to take a risk
  • Brooke’s four guidelines for knowing if a risk is worth taking
  • Noticing how you feel as you explain the pros and cons of making a move
  • Making your own decisions vs. being ruled by someone else’s SHOULDs
  • The value in having a strong WHY
  • Being honest about what could go wrong + planning for potential worst-case scenarios

Show Notes

Are you considering a pivot in your business? Or trying to decide whether to pursue a new opportunity?

Taking a risk is scary. And some risks won’t pay off. But the regret of not following your heart is a risk, too.

So, how do you know if you should play it safe or make a change?

On this episode, Brooke shares her four guidelines for how to know if a risk is worth taking. She discusses her own difficult decision to leave her former network marketing company, explaining what inspired her to choose passion and purpose over comfort and why it’s crucial to align with the core values of the company you represent.

Brooke challenges us to notice how we feel as we explore the pros and cons of making a move and encourages us to make decisions for ourselves, rather than be ruled by what others say we SHOULD do. Listen in for Brooke’s insight on being honest about what could go wrong and learn how YOU can choose passion and purpose—and get clear on what risks are worth taking!

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