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EP76How to Find Calm in the Chaos


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When you’re building a business, it feels like there’s no time to rest. Our to-do lists are too long, and our goals are too big. But it IS possible to find true rest and peace in the chaos. Listen in as Jenny Donnelly offers insight on leading with faith and finding rest IN our work.

Question Highlights

  • For people who don’t know what a revival is, how would you explain it?
  • Can you tell us more about the Her Voice Movement you created?
  • How do you lead with your faith in business? What advice would you give women about mixing those two areas of their life?
  • Can you explain what rest means to you?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • How having control taken away becomes our invitation to surrender
  • Jenny’s description of how God’s plan for us is like a rushing river
  • Why we don’t have to attach ourselves to or be at the mercy of outside circumstances
  • What inspired Jenny to lead the Her Voice Movement and how it has evolved organically over time
  • Jenny’s insight around the superpower that lives in us when we receive Christ as our Savior
  • Jenny’s challenge to stop compartmentalizing and bring our whole selves into everything we do
  • Why Jenny stays under the authority of the person who’s given her a platform
  • How to find peace in the midst of chaos and learn to work from a place of rest

Show Notes

When you’re building a business, it feels like there’s no time to rest. Our to-do lists are too long, and our goals are too big.

But it is possible to find true rest and peace in the chaos—by learning to rest IN our work.

Jenny Donnelly is author of Still: 7 Ways to Find Calm in the Chaos and the founder of Her Voice Movement, a national community created to empower women to live and lead Biblical Truth. Jenny is also the cofounder of Tetelestai Ministries and The Collective Church, a non-denominational Christian church family located in Portland, Oregon.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Jenny joins Brooke to explain how the current state of the world is igniting a revival. She introduces us to the Her Voice Movement, describing the superpower that lives in us when we receive Christ as our Savior. Listen in for Jenny’s advice on leading with faith in business and learn how YOU can find peace in the midst of chaos and learn to work from a place of rest.

Connect with Jenny Donnelly

Her Voice Movement on Facebook

Tetelestai Ministries

The Collective Church

Jenny on Instagram


Still: 7 Ways to Find Calm in the Chaos by Jenny L. Donnelly

Lisa Bevere

Tetelestai Ministries Courses

Ephesians 2:10

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