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EP108How to Build a God Inspired Action Plan for 2021


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How do Brooke and her husband Brett foster close relationships with their daughters and each other, prioritize their health and wellness, and run three successful businesses at the same time? Listen in as the Thomas’s share the 8 areas of focus they use to set goals and map out an action plan for the year!

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Why Brooke and Brett partner with God to work toward their BIG dreams
  • How to define what success looks like for you and set a timeline to get there
  • Leveraging a coach or mastermind to speed up the process
  • The eight categories Brooke and Brett focus on to build an action plan for the year
  • How to set goals in the area of business, finances, health and personal development
  • How Brooke and Brett prioritize their marriage and family relationships
  • Why it’s crucial to schedule time for faith and worship
  • How Brooke and Brett calendar block time for the things they value most and then reverse engineer a work schedule around those priorities

Show Notes

Curious how Brooke and her husband Brett set themselves up for success year after year?

How do they foster close relationships with their daughters and each other, prioritize their health and wellness, and run three successful businesses at the same time?

The Thomas’s sit down at the beginning of each new year and set goals in eight key categories. And they partner with God through the process, making their faith the foundation of everything they do.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Brett and Brooke walk us through the eight areas of focus they use to map out a life of significance, explaining how they action cast a vision for the year and then chart a course achieve those dreams.

They challenge you to make God your CEO and invite Him into the process, defining BIG goals based on what success looks like for you and setting a clear timeline to get there.

Listen in for insight on leveraging a community to accelerate your success and learn how to calendar block time for the things you value most—and then reverse engineer your work schedule around those priorities!

Connect with Brett Thomas

Brett on LinkedIn

Brooke & Brett’s Network Marketing Team


Believe Bigger: Discover the Path to Your Life Purpose by Marshawn Evans Daniels

Pure Physique

Burn Boot Camp

Still: 7 Ways to Find Calm in the Chaos by Jenny Donnelly

X: Multiply Your God-Given Potential by John Bevere

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren

Brooke’s Morning Power Hour Workbook

Email brooke@brookethomas.com

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