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How did I get here? Life is full of unwanted and unwelcome seasons. So, how do you course correct and ground yourself in faith amid the struggle? Listen in as bestselling author and activist Christine Caine explains how to navigate an unpredictable world, identify when you’re starting to drift and anchor yourself in Jesus!
How did I get here?
Life is full of unwanted and unwelcome seasons. So, how do you course correct and ground yourself in faith amid the struggle?
Christine Caine is a bestselling author, activist and international speaker. Her new book is called How Did I Get Here? Finding Your Way Back to God When Everything Is Pulling You Away.
On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Christine joins Brooke to discuss what to do when the world seems chaotic and unpredictable, describing how Jesus serves as an anchor for our souls.
Christine opens up about the gift of lament, challenging us to stop wearing our victimhood as a badge of honor and start allowing God to heal us—before that toxicity seeps out and poisons the people we love.
Listen in for Christine’s insight on recognizing when you’ve drifted off course and learn how to re-center yourself in moments of doubt and make the decision to embody the woman of God that He is calling you to be!
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