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EP118Girl Talk: Parenting in Uncertain Times


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As moms, we’ve all handled the unexpected. But in the last year, we’ve had more than our share of unforeseen circumstances. So, what can busy mom-preneurs do to help our kids navigate the unknown? Listen in as Sara Formato, Jen Jones and Julianne Kirkland join Brooke to discuss all things parenting in uncertain times.

Question Highlights

  • In the last year, we’ve had more than our fair share of the unexpected. How are you holding up? And how are you helping your kids navigate this season?
  • What do you do to make your kids feel seen and heard?
  • What does your relationship with your husband look like right now?
  • What is your approach to screen time?
  • When do you feel your best as a mom?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • How to reframe the unexpected as an opening to give glory to God
  • The significance of soothing your kiddo’s feelings without trying to solve them
  • The I AM exercise Sara did with her daughter to help her build confidence
  • Creating an atmosphere of grace rather than dismissing or judging your kid’s perspectives
  • Why it’s crucial to learn how your children show and receive love
  • How taking responsibility for your own happiness cultivates a stronger marriage
  • The challenge of making moments to be alone with your spouse in lockdown
  • The resources parents can use to monitor and limit their kid’s screen time
  • How learning to take time for yourself makes you a better mom

Show Notes

As moms, we’ve all handled the unexpected.

But in the last year, we’ve had more than our share of unforeseen circumstances.

So, what can busy mom-preneurs do to help our kids navigate uncertainty? How do we make them feel seen and heard—and keep our marriages strong in the process?

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Brooke sits down for another round of Girl Talk with three women she admires both as moms and businesswomen, Certified Fitness Clinician Sara Formato, Lifestyle Coach Jen Jones and Overcomer Strategist Julianne Kirkland, to discuss all things parenting in uncertain times.

Jen and Julianne explain how they are helping their kiddos process their feelings without trying to fix them, challenging us to make our children feel seen by learning how they show and receive love. And Sara describes how taking responsibility for our own happiness cultivates a stronger marriage.

Listen in for insight on monitoring your kid’s screen time and learn how taking a little time for yourself can make you a better mom!

Connect with Sara Formato

Sara on Instagram

Sara’s Website

Connect with Jen Jones

Jen on Instagram

Jen’s Website

Connect with Julianne Kirkland

Julianne on Instagram

Julianne’s Website


The Enneagram Institute

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Show Some Love.

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