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EP48Get Turned On & Live Without Regret


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Is your family competing with a smartphone for your attention? Are you so focused on what’s NEXT that you’re missing out on what’s happening right NOW? Listen in as David Norrie discusses his book, Turned On: Tuning In, In a Tuned Out World, and challenges us to get present to what’s really important!

Question Highlights

  • Let’s talk about the Turned On revolution. What sparked that for you?
  • We all know that technology is valuable, but where does it go wrong? When does it become dangerous?
  • As a parent, how do you handle the social pressure for kids to have smartphones and be on social media?
  • We’re all guilty of using technology to tune out what’s going on in our lives. What are some ways we can tune back in?
  • What do you tell people who feel out of balance and don’t know where to start?
  • ‘If you have your health, you have 10,000 dreams. But if you don’t have your health, you only have one dream.’ What is your take on that?
  • What’s the main thing you hope people take away from Turned On?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Developing an awareness of when technology is pulling you away from what’s really important
  • David’s advice for parents around guiding kids to use social media safely
  • How PRESENCE and BALANCE afford us the OPPORTUNITY to give people the attention they deserve and live a life without regret
  • The value of being in-person with other people for activities like group exercise
  • What we can do to get grounded and find God in nature
  • David’s commitment to helping people turn on their faith + bring light into the world
  • The four hallways of faith, family, career and health
  • Building momentum by doing one small thing to get where you want to go
  • How meta-perception serves as a roadblock to success + what we can do to overcome it

Show Notes

Electronic devices are everywhere. In line at the grocery store, in our cars, at family dinners, and even in our bedrooms.

So, let me ask you a hard question: Is your family competing with a smartphone for your attention?

Are you so focused on what’s NEXT that you’re missing out on what’s happening right NOW?

David Norrie is the author of Turned On: Tuning In, In a Tuned-Out World, a book about presence, balance and seeing opportunities where others don’t. An Amazon bestseller in Christian and religious leadership, David’s work inspires us to embrace the communication age without losing our connection with each other. David and his wife, Angelike, are also the creators of Turned On, a platform dedicated to preserving the lost art of face-to-face connection in the home, at work and in our faith communities.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, David joins Brooke to discuss the Turned On revolution, challenging us to develop an awareness of when technology is pulling us away from what’s really important. He explains how presence affords us the opportunity to give people the attention they deserve and reflects on the value of connecting with other people IRL. Listen in for David’s insight on guiding our kids to use social media safely and learn how you can ‘turn on’ your faith, family, health and career—and live a life free of regret!

Connect with David

Turned On

David on Instagram


Turned On: Tuning In, In a Tuned-Out World by David Norrie

The Turned On Method Course

Dr. Kostadin Kushlev’s Research on Digital Health & Happiness

Howard Thurman

Chris Harder’s Mastermind

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