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EP78Faith + Finance = Business Success


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You are INCREDIBLE! What would your life look like if you actually believed that? Listen in as Darnyelle Jervey Harmon shares her extraordinary transformation from VICTIM to VICTOR and learn how to uncover YOUR Incredible Factor, leveraging spiritual principles to live from a place of worth and achieve greater business success!

Question Highlights

  • You believe each person is incredible in their own way. How does knowing our Incredible Factor help us achieve greater success?
  • What if we have no idea what our Incredible Factor is? How do we start to figure it out?
  • How do you learn to embrace your Incredible Factor?
  • What do you say to women who are stressed, overwhelmed and struggling? What’s the first thing you did to move out of your darkness?
  • What is your advice to those of us who lack confidence around selling?
  • Can you share one of your favorite scriptures for business success?
  • What is your advice for finishing 2020 strong?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Darnyelle’s framework for uncovering your Incredible Factor and leveraging it to attract your ideal clients
  • Why Darnyelle incorporates Bible study in her business programs
  • Why we can’t hear the voice of God when we’re living in stress and overwhelm
  • Darnyelle’s incredible story of transformation from VICTIM to VICTOR
  • How fully surrendering to God is the first step in living from a place of worthy
  • Darnyelle’s three steps to building the evidence we need to close with confidence
  • How to get clear on what you’re worth and articulate your value
  • Why you’re doing people a favor when you charge a premium to work with you

Show Notes


What would your life look like if you actually believed that?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the award-winning CEO and business strategist behind Incredible One Enterprises, a consultancy that helps six-figure coaches and service-based entrepreneurs leverage spiritual principles to scale their business. Darnyelle is also a sought-after keynote speaker and host of the Leverage Your Incredible Factor Podcast, and her work has been featured in Essence, Success and O Magazine.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Darnyelle joins Brooke to introduce her framework for uncovering your Incredible Factor and leveraging those God-given gifts to achieve greater success. She shares her own extraordinary transformation from victim to victor, describing what she did to move out of stress and struggle and into a place of worthy. Listen in for Darnyelle’s advice to those of us who lack confidence around sales and learn how YOU can marry FAITH and FINANCE to finish 2020 strong!

Connect with Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Incredible One Enterprises

Leverage Your Incredible Factor Podcast

Darnyelle on Instagram

Darnyelle on Facebook

Darnyelle on YouTube


Darnyelle’s Bible Scriptures for Business Success

Darnyelle’s Model of Financial and Spiritual Abundance

Jeremiah 1:5

Deuteronomy 8:18

Colossians 3:23-24

Ephesians 3:20

2 Kings 4:1-44

Ephesians 1:1-23

Exodus 18:1-27

Genesis 1:26

‘Losing My Religion’ by Lauren Daigle

Proverbs 16:3

Matthew 6:25-34

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