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EP02Believe In Your Potential, Not Your Past


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Do you spend a lot of time justifying why you’re miserable? What if you stopped spinning in circles around your problems and started working toward a solution? Listen in as Elizabeth Benton challenges us to show up new in this moment and get inspired to believe in your POTENTIAL rather than your PAST.

Question Highlights

  • What was the moment like when you admitted that YOU were the one keeping you from the life you wanted?
  • Leading up to your transformation, what was your biggest limiting belief? And how did you start to break the cycle?
  • Share your perspective on the concept of smoke vs. fire as it relates to reaching our goals.
  • How do you suggest we start to trust ourselves to solve our own problems?
  • What’s something that was once important to you but is now becoming less important or relevant to you?
  • What motivated you to share your story? And how has sharing helped you heal?
  • What would you do if you were 10 times bolder?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Elizabeth’s realization that she was in a prison of her own making
  • Why Elizabeth saw her limiting beliefs as facts
  • How carrying our past experiences stops us from showing up new in this moment
  • The danger in justifying our problems at the expense of finding a solution
  • Why addressing the smoke rather than the fire keeps us chasing the same goal over and over
  • How to show up for yourself as a creative, energetic problem solver
  • Why Elizabeth values her internal goals more than external targets they’re tied to
  • How sharing her story holds Elizabeth accountable to practicing what she preaches

Show Notes

‘Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?’


Are you exhausted and unhappy? Do you spend a lot of time trying to make people understand your problems? Or justifying why you’re miserable? What if you stopped spinning in circles around the problem and started working toward a solution?

What if you could show up new in this moment and make a different choice?

What if you believed in your POTENTIAL rather than your PAST?

Elizabeth Benton is the creator of Primal Potential, a platform dedicated to helping people live more fulfilled lives. Through her podcast, coaching program and live events, Elizabeth uses her own deep struggles as fuel to support clients in creating change NOW, giving people the tools to overcome fear and step into their full potential. Elizabeth is also the author of Chasing Cupcakes: How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (And How You Can, Too).

On this episode of Live Out Loud, Elizabeth joins Brooke to share the moment when she realized she was choosing an unhappy life and describe how carrying her past experiences into the present made new choices seem impossible. She explains how addressing the smoke as opposed to the fire keeps us chasing the same goal over and over, explaining why internal goals are more valuable than the external targets they’re tied to. Listen in to understand how sharing her story helped Elizabeth heal and learn how to show up for yourself as a creative, energetic problem solver!

Connect with Elizabeth

Primal Potential

Primal Potential Podcast


Chasing Cupcakes: How One Broke, Fat Girl Transformed Her Life (And How You Can, Too) by Elizabeth Benton

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