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EP114 Ways To Crush Your Goals


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In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Why goal planning is necessary if you want results
  • How to develop a daily action plan based on your big goals
  • Setting goals around self-care, quality time with friends and family, giving, and wellness
  • Why it’s crucial to take immediate action on your goals
  • Surrounding yourself with people who will champion you to the next level
  • How often you should check in with your goals
  • Why ambitious goals have more motivational power than small ones
  • The value of small, consistent action in reaching big goals

If you want results in your life, you have to set goals. But more than that, you have to reverse engineer those goals into an action plan and take consistent steps forward every day to fulfill your dreams. Listen in as Brooke shares 4 strategies for crushing your goals in 2020 and beyond!

Show Notes

In his autobiography, Howard Schultz issues this challenge: “Dream more than others think practical. Expect more than others think possible.”

But once you have a big goal in mind, how do you keep from getting overwhelmed by the details? How do you learn to take small steps every day to get the results you want?

On this edition of Inspo On-the-Go, Brooke shares four ways to CRUSH your goals, explaining why you should set goals around what brings you true joy and how to reverse engineer a big goal into a plan for daily action.

Brooke goes on to discuss the value of taking immediate action on your dreams (even when it’s messy) and surrounding yourself with people who want to see you WIN. Listen in for Brooke’s insight on checking in with your goals regularly and learn how to set ambitious goals that keep you motivated and get results!


The Dream Giver: Following Your God-Given Destiny by Bruce Wilkinson with David and Heather Kopp

Howard Schultz

Books by Howard Schultz

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