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EP83Unlock Your Genius Zone


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You know that feeling when you’re in your zone of genius? When everything just flows and all your gifts are working together? When you know you’re doing exactly what you were born to do? Listen in as Brooke explains how to reprioritize the way you spend your time to align with your zone of genius!

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • Why work that doesn’t engage your soul will leave you unfulfilled (no matter how successful you are)
  • How Brooke defines our zone of genius as the things we are naturally gifted at
  • What made Brooke realize she could build successful businesses around her strengths in encouraging others and building community
  • How network marketing lends itself to building a business around your zone of genius
  • The three questions that will help you uncover your unique zone of genius and build it into your days
  • How to reprioritize the way you spend your time to align with your zone of genius
  • Why Brooke recommends delegating anything that doesn’t fall into your zone of genius
  • The state of flow you can achieve when you spend the bulk of your time in your zone of genius

Show Notes

You know that feeling when you’re in your zone of genius? When everything just flows and all your gifts are working together? When you know you’re doing exactly what you were born to do?

If you’re not spending much time in that zone, if you don’t feel energized and empowered by your work, then it’s time to reevaluate how you’re spending your time.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Brooke is challenging us to unlock our genius zone, explaining how work that doesn’t engage our souls will leave us unfulfilled—no matter how successful we are.

Brooke shares three questions to help you uncover your own unique superpowers, discussing how she built successful businesses around her strengths in encouraging others and building community.

Listen in for Brooke’s insight on delegating the things that you’re not good at and learn to reprioritize the way you spend your time to align with YOUR zone of genius!


Email brooke@brookethomas.com

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