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EP210Turn Your Pain Into Purpose


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At age 19, Angela Ball aborted an unplanned pregnancy, and the trauma of that decision stayed with her for decades. But the Lord turned Angela’s pain into her purpose through Hearts for Moms. Listen in as she explains how her ministry provides resources to enrich the lives of single moms and their children!

Question Highlights

  • I often say that our hardest pain becomes our purpose, and I know that the trauma of aborting an unplanned pregnancy at age 19 stayed with you for a long time. What do you think when you look back at where you were to where you are now?
  • You surrendered to Jesus when you were 38 years old. Can you talk about how that came to be?
  • Can you take us back to the moment when Love Out Loud donated $33,300 to Hearts for Moms? What happens at your events? And what does your organization do for single moms?
  • What type of miracles or impact have you seen since Love Out Loud contributed to Hearts for Moms?
  • Single moms have such incredible strength, and I believe it’s the kind of fire that can change the world. Can you explain how your programs encourage that kind of transformation?
  • I wanted you to speak to somebody that’s listening today who is walking that single mom life and feeling so alone in what she has to overcome. What would you tell her?
  • A lot of single moms spend over half their income on housing expenses. Can you speak to why and how you’re hoping Hearts for Moms can bridge that gap?

In this episode, you’ll learn about…

  • [1:31] What Romans 8:28 teaches us about ‘all things working together for good’
  • [3:51] Who inspired Angela to give her life to Christ and why her heart is on fire for the Lord 
  • [5:36] The principles of faith, hope and love that are the foundation of Hearts for Moms 
  • [12:54] How Love Out Loud’s contribution has opened the door to future expansion of Hearts for Moms
  • [15:11] The Hearts for Moms programs that help women further their education, build financial literacy, and access mental health counseling
  • [24:13] One of Hearts for Moms greatest success stories
  • [28:49] Angela’s advice for single moms on finding a mentor through your church 
  • [32:15] How Hearts for Moms addresses the affordable housing crisis and lack of access to transportation for single moms 
  • [38:46] Angela’s bold mission to take Hearts for Moms nationwide and then global 
  • [40:46] What it looks like to trust in God as you expand an organization 

Show Notes

Replacing fear, trauma and insecurity with love, grace and the mercy of God—that is Angela Ball’s life work.

At age 19, Angela aborted an unplanned pregnancy, and the trauma of that decision stayed with her even after she and her husband Ray became parents. 

Today, she serves as Executive Director of Hearts for Moms, a ministry that helps single moms and celebrates the bravery that it takes to raise a child in the hardest of circumstances. 

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Angela explains how the Lord turned her pain into purpose, inspiring her to support single moms on a foundation of faith, hope and love.

Angela describes the impact of the recent Love Out Loud donation to Hearts for Moms, discussing what programs the organization offers and how she hopes to expand nationwide. 

Listen in for Angela’s insight into the challenges single moms face on a daily basis and learn how to live YOUR faith by supporting Hearts for Moms!

Connect With Angela

Hearts for Moms 

Hearts for Moms on Instagram 

Hearts for Moms on Facebook 

Angela on LinkedIn


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