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EP62Taking Risks in Business Can Be The Pathway To Your Success


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Why do so many of us stay in situations that don’t serve us? Or hesitate to start something new? The idea of taking a risk can be paralyzing. But here’s the thing: Risk is not meant to feel easy. Listen in as Diana House explains how successful entrepreneurs navigate their fear and say YES anyway!

Question Highlights

  • You actually launched a new business during the pandemic! What were you thinking?
  • Sometimes you have to move very quickly on an idea. Can you expand on that?
  • How do you know when it’s time to pivot? Or take a chance or a new path?
  • If you could get everyone to do one thing better with their money, what would it be?
  • What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given when it comes to money?
  • A lot of people are scared of numbers, but once they realize how important it is, their story changes. What changes have you witnessed in people after that transformation?
  • What is on the horizon for you in the next six months? What is your biggest focus right now?

In this episode, you will learn about…

  • How the idea for a disinfectant fogging company came to Diana
  • How Diana usually navigates risk + why she jumped into creating Go Fog It
  • Diana’s insight on how risk feels terrifying for many successful entrepreneurs—and they move forward anyway
  • Why it’s better to take a risk that scares you than stay stuck in a job, relationship or situation you don’t love
  • Creating a small circle of mentors you can trust for advice on whether to take a specific risk
  • Diana’s challenge to save a predetermined percentage of your earnings in a separate account each month
  • Why you need to understand the numbers to make good decisions and run your business from an empowered place
  • Why Diana would like to see more women in the real estate space

Show Notes

Why do so many of us stay in jobs we don’t love? Or relationships that no longer serve us? Why do so many of us hesitate to start something new?

The idea of taking a risk can be paralyzing. But here’s the thing: Risk is not meant to feel easy.

For many entrepreneurs, in fact, risk is downright terrifying. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do.

Diana House, the Profit Whisperer, helps entrepreneurs become the CFO of their business and make strategic decisions based on the numbers. A serial entrepreneur herself, Diana has built several highly profitable businesses and sold two companies in the eCommerce space. She has been featured as one of the top female entrepreneurs in Canada by the W100 and recognized on the list of Top 20 Entrepreneurs Under 40 by Business London. Diana is also a successful real estate investor and developer and the President of Go Fog It, a disinfectant fogging company she founded in March.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Diana joins Brooke to explain why she launched a new company during the pandemic, describing how she moved on the idea quickly and why that’s counter to the way she usually approaches risk. She talks personal and business finance, offering advice on leveraging a basic understanding of your numbers to make decisions from an empowered place. Listen in for Diana’s insight on knowing when to take a risk and learn how to navigate the fear and seize the opportunities in front of you!

Connect with Diana

Diana’s Website

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Diana on LinkedIn


Go Fog It

Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery Seminar

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