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EP234Unleashing YOU 2.0 Into the World


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Do you know your worth? It’s easy for us to discount how valuable we really are. To underestimate the value of our time and talent. But what if your qualities are worth a premium? Listen in as Eileen Wilder explains how to embrace the value of your unique gifts and share them with the world!

Question Highlights

  • You’re a very successful business coach now, but before that, you were a pastor for two decades. What made you decide to make that transition?
  • Who introduced you to King Solomon’s blueprint for wealth creation? How did that open your mind and heart? And then, what was the action you took after that?
  • How did you overcome your fear of public speaking?
  • Part of your message is about knowing your worth and why that’s a struggle for people. I’d love for you to touch on that.
  • I know that clients pay you more than $55K for just one VIP day. Can you speak to the woman who is hesitant to charge a premium for her services?
  • In your book, The Pivot Plan, you write about the importance of learning to let go and rest in Christ completely. How did that change things for you?
  • You have $100K, $250K and $1M offers in your business, and there’s a responsibility that comes with that. How do you rest in your work at that level? Any tips there?
  • How do you want to leave us today? What is the main message that you want everyone to know?

In this episode, you’ll learn about…

  • [1:45] How the Bible started to come alive for Eileen when she became an entrepreneur
  • [4:41] Solomon’s role as a communicator to crowds, consultant to his contemporaries and king of continuity cashflow
  • [13:56] How God gives you the desires of your heart
  • [19:24] Unleashing the YOU 2.0 inside of you that you haven’t met yet
  • [22:07] Why thinking won’t overcome fear, but ACTION will
  • [28:42] Eileen’s top strategies for growing your confidence
  • [33:15] Why God wants us to be conscious of the authority we have on this earth
  • [37:17] How high-ticket offerings allow you to serve clients at the highest level (and why low-ticket offerings actually do your clients a disservice)
  • [43:00] Eileen’s insight on the relationship between rest and abundance
  • [44:32] Identifying the few moves that will get you to $1M and eliminating everything else
  • [49:38] Eileen’s challenge to DO IT NOW

Show Notes

Do you really know your worth?

It’s easy for us to discount how valuable we really are. To underestimate the value of our time and talent. But our unique gifts have real value and are meant to be shared with the world.

So, how do we start to believe that our qualities are worth a premium?

Former Pastor Eileen Wilder is a bestselling author, business coach and consultant who teaches people how to host extremely lucrative virtual events. She’s been called the Queen of Stages, speaking with the likes of Russell Brunson and Tony Robbins.

On this episode of The Live Out Loud Show, Eileen joins me to discuss how she made the transition from pastor to business coach and describe how she learned King Solomon’s blueprint for wealth creation.

Eileen explores why God wants us to be conscious of our authority and explains how high-ticket offerings allow us to serve our clients at the highest level.

Listen in for insight on the relationship between rest and abundance—and take on Eileen’s challenge to acknowledge the desires God placed on your heart and DO IT NOW.

Connect With Eileen

Eileen’s Website

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Eileen on YouTube

Eileen on Facebook

The Confident Closer Podcast


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The Pivot Plan: End Emotional Exhaustion, Overcome Depression, Discover Your Strongest Life by Eileen Wilder

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The Live Out Loud Ignite Membership

The Live Out Loud Elite Mastermind

The Live Out Loud Tribe on Facebook

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